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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The People's Consultants knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. Back in 1973, our Non-Profit Organization realized that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to launch The People's Consultants.

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Our History

We founded the oldest non-profit organization dedicated to water supply, sanitation, and community development in the world, Agua Del Pueblo (AdP).  We are known as "Agua del Pueblo - USA". We're responsible for the world's first "barefoot engineering" training program. The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD, or World Bank) and the United States Agency of International Development (USAID) have modeled our work. Some of our team successfully negotiated a cessation of arms used against our staff during the Guatemalan Civil War. A group of young Cornell Engineers, other Cornell graduates, and alums from Columbia, Stanford, and Texas A&M formed AdP in 1972 in San Lucas Toliman in conjunction with the San Lucas Mission.

Our History

The People's Consultants
Cares About Education

The People's Consultants is also deeply concerned with educating the world on the importance of clean water in developing communities. We have facilitated numerous research projects. See some of the resulting publications below!

Sauer, M. S Smith and B Clemens 2012

“Does it pay to invest in potable water in the developing world: Relationships between external financing and economic development in sustainable community-run integrated projects”

Journal of International Development Article: first published online: 27 SEP: DOI: 10.1002/jid.2880

Chipman, C., V. Strait and B Clemens, 2014

“Who Cares About the Community? Agua del Pueblo as a case study for water-related non-profit work”

American Journal of Social Issues and Humanities 4(6): 319-334

Clemens, B. and Tom Douglas 2012.

“To what degree can potable water foster international economic development?  What role does health play?"

Organization Management Journal. 9(2): 83-89. DOI:10.1080/15416518.2012.687988

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Jose Bailey


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Andy Karp


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Bruce Clemens

Bruce Clemens


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Roy Clemens

Registered Agent

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Steve Cox


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Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team
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Our Mission

The mission of the People’s Consultants is to provide material and intellectual support to communities, organizations, and individuals from developing countries to enable them to satisfy and protect their basic human rights, such as good health, clean water, and an education that allows them to develop their full human potential. 

OUR VISION: The People’s Consultants is working to create a world in which all communities, organizations, and individuals from developing countries have the skills, knowledge, and resources to take effective action on their own behalf to meet their basic human needs.

Our Mission

"Water is life, and clean water means health"
- Audrey Hepburn


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