On the last day of our visit to the Lake Atitlan Watershed, our team joined with Canadian Rotarians to visit the village of Chuti-Estancia, who built a water system funded by a Rotary Global Grant four years ago. We were eager to see how a project similar to the one we are planning for Vista Hermosa had impacted their lives.

We first met with the water committee and  community representatives to learn how their water system works, and the benefits to their village. They particularly noted that the children have less intestinal illness, the women spend less time walking to the river to gather their water, and that they are able to do laundry in their own homes.

We visited the distribution system which combines a gravity fed source with water pumped from artesian wells, which is then divided into piping that supplies each sector of the village

Inside each home, a metered hose pipe carries water to the home’s pilla, where clothes and dishes are washed, and clean water can be accessed for household needs

Village women in the courtyard of a home with laundry hanging to dry.